EFT by Phone: Easy and convenient. No dressing up. No driving to an office miles from home. No face to face discomfort. You can call from anywhere in the world. The session can be entirely private, or you can have someone listen in on speaker-phone. It’s your choice. ( Phone session - $60 per hour )
EFT Workshops: There are advantages to participating in a workshop. And you need to remember EFT works on problems even if you don’t mention them out loud. That’s right, all you need to do is think about the issue while you tap. So you can still find relief without everyone knowing your problems unless you want to share them. Nevertheless, in a workshop I do EFT with different volunteers up front so everyone sees and hears how we find related aspects of problems and collapse them. You have a chance to meet new people. If you would like to host an EFT workshop at your organization or even at your home, call me and we can talk over the details. _____________________________________________________________
EFT in the Workplace: Because EFT is a self-help technique, it is especially beneficial for people who would probably never go for counseling. They can learn the process, experience success at a workshop, then use it on negative issues privately whenever a problem arises. Let’s face it, anywhere people work together, you have the potential for conflict. But now, with EFT, you have a remarkable tool to resolve emotional upset. You can’t imagine the positive changes that could happen in your workplace unless you’ve experienced EFT for yourself. One thing we do know is, if you’re boiling with anger and ready to explode, you’re certainly not at your best to make good decisions or relate to colleagues in a relaxed and positive way.
Are you a CEO who has a fear of public speaking? Or does someone in your organization have a problem or fear you wish he didn’t have? Would you like to get over Travel Anxieties, those unsettling feelings of discomfort beginning from the time you first know you’re going to a conference or important business meeting? EFT can neutralize all of that.
Because of the emotional link to physical problems, instituting a regular EFT program in your workplace will cut down on employee’s health problems and improve the absentee rate.
EFT in School: Students and staff arrive at school with more than books and assignments. Their invisible baggage - emotional problems from home - affect how they interact with everyone and how they perform in the classroom. I offer an EFT program for entire school systems called The School Behavior Solution. If you read that presentation, you’ll notice I avoid telling the reader exactly what the behavior management process is. This is because many people are so skeptical of EFT, they act irrationally and dismiss it. I want the chance to make a complete presentation and demonstrate that EFT can accomplish objectives schools have never been able to achieve without it.
Nevertheless, the following video of a teacher telling how EFT in his classroom changed the whole learning and teaching experience is worth watching at least two times.
EFT in Church: God has blessed us with this healing tool. What better place to introduce and use it? Imagine helping people get over major long time upset and pain.
EFT in Juvenile and Adult Correctional Facilities: Instead of using psychiatric drugs that have many horrible side effects including out-of-character violence and suicidal ideation, EFT can bring peace to the lives of those confined in these institutions, as well as to the lives of the staff. And remember, EFT can relieve upset even if a person only focuses mentally on his problem while tapping. Think about that. They don’t have to admit or reveal anything at all! Can you imagine what this could mean for your program? Real Relief for Veterans with PTSD