Books about EFT and related Therapies

 Emotional Freedom Techniques Training -- Fort Wayne, Indiana

   Books About EFT - Tapping - And Related Therapies

       EFT Related Books - EFT Book List

Energy Psychology is a term referring to Thought Field Therapy, EFT and related tapping techniques. The 2 bottom books in the photo deal with EMDR, short for Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing, a technique that often brings relatively fast relief to clients but is not promoted as a self-help process. Many EFT practitioners who once used EMDR frequently opt for using EFT because it is less likely to re-traumatize a client and often works faster.

The books on this page are just some of what is available on this subject.

The Promise of Energy Psychology
by David Feinstein, Donna Eden and Gary Craig
(foreward by Candace Pert, Ph.D.)

Getting Thru to Your Emotions with EFT
by Phillip & Jane Mountrose  (foreward by Gary Craig)

Energy Tapping
by Fred P. Gallo, PhD. and Harry Vincenzi, Ed,D.

Energy Tapping for Trauma
by Fred P. Gallo (foreward by Anthony Robbins)

Instant Emotional Healing
by Peter Lambrou, Ph.D. & George Pratt, Ph.D.

Tapping the Healer Within (Using Thought Field Therapy to Instantly Conquer Your Fears, Anxieties, and Emotional Distress)
y Roger J. Callahan, Ph.D. with Richard Trubo

(Richard G. Petty, M.D., Ph.D., founder, Integrated Medicine Program, Dept. of Psychiatry, University of Pennsylvania, says about TAPPING THE HEALER WITHIN: “This book is as remarkable as the therapy itself. To see a hardened smoker quit in minutes or a person with fear of dentists suddenly be able to receive treatment and achieve instant, sustained relief is extraordinary.)

Science and Human Transformation:  Subtle Energies, Intentionality
and Consciousness
y William A. Tiller, Ph.D.

is a gold mine of information and testimonials about Emotional Freedom Techniques. You can also download a free EFT manual to learn all about how to do the process. Much of the content at EFTuniverse was once on the personal website of Gary Craig, the inventor of EFT. The hundreds of EFT testimonials provide invaluable insight into how to use this simple process for many issues.

Dr. Peter Breggin has for many years led the fight for patient’s rights in the field of mental health. His website is a virtual library of information about the dangers of antidepressants and other psychiatric medications. Dr. Breggin has testified before Congress and the FDA. If you know anyone taking antidepressants, they need to know about his website. Be sure to look at his “book” page.

Watch Dr. Breggin’s interview on

Part I - Video Interview - Psychiatric Drugs

Part II - Video Interview - Psychiatric Drugs

Part III - Video Interview - Psychiatric Drugs & Spellbinding


Medication Dangers

Antidepressant Dangers and Side Effects

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and mental health fraud?