I’m sure the creative element of EFT was one reason it attracted me. Nevertheless, when you can offer people a kind of result that few medical professionals even know is possible, that’s a pretty good motivation, too! My wife, Nadine, a school psychologist for over 30 years, was the one who first heard about EFT from a local therapist. Study and experience brought many success stories doctors would find hard to believe. After 6+ years, we’re still amazed by the power and ability of EFT to relieve chronic problems on a regular basis.
As an EFT facilitator and consultant, I teach you how to use EFT for yourself. I also offer EFT services for businesses, organizations, and schools that can be tailored to your specific needs. I’m sure you have questions, so please feel free to contact me and ask them. Isn’t it time to take the first step?
Steve DeSanto ---------- Fort Wayne, Indiana
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The following EFT testimonials at EFTuniverse.com were written by Steve DeSanto. EFT creator, Gary Craig, posted them on his site, EmoFree.com, several years before he retired and passed along much of the content to EFTuniverse..
* The Benefits of Describing EFT as a Relaxation Technique
* EFT Instead of the Psych Ward After a Relationship Breaks Up